I'd like to achieve the following:
When the user hits Submit in edit mode a dialog box would open. The
dialog box has a field for comments and two buttons: Send and Cancel. If
the user click Send a memo would be generated, populated with data from
the 'underlying' document and the comments that typed in the Dialog,
and sent to a certain recipient. The 'underlying' document would then be
saved with the comments and closed.
For this, I used the Dialog from the Extension Library (xe:dialog). I am
able to display the dialog, type the comments and hit the Send button,
and the memo is sent to the recipient which is a hard coded address at
the moment.
However, I don't seem to be able to pull data from the 'underlying'
document (the document that is in edit mode and may be a new doc). Also,
I don't know how to bind and save the typed comments into the
underlying document, and close it.
Could anyone give me instructions how to do it?
Thanks for your help,