I tried to implement it in my application with items from Bildr.
What I did :
copied the custom controls: ccUploadConfig and ccUploadImages
copied the Agent :(ImportPictures)
copied the scripts : xpageUploader and xpUploads
copied the resources files : plupload.flash.swf and plupload.full.mi.js and plupload.silverlight.xap
Then I made a new xpage which loads the 2 custom controls just as in Bildr. In this xpage I also asigned some values to some session scoped variables.
Xpage loads fine with ccUploadConfig
when clicking next I get an error :
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=30: Unknown member 'join'
in Java class 'java.lang.String'
JavaScript code 1: sessionScope.imageExtensions.join(',')
I assigned a value to the sessionScope imageExtensions "jpg,jpeg,jpe"