~Paul ChutoomanyndsNov 1, 2011, 1:09 PM56 PostsRe: XPages doesnt support 'multitasking' for same user?Hello David, didn't experienced such problems in the past. Can you be sure that it is related to multi-user handling? Could the problem be the performance on the server? You said you use a quite long and performance-intensive request, may the server be busy and isn't able to handle the request while your search is running?May be an asynchronous request is the solution here.
~Alexis OpresamanNov 1, 2011, 1:52 PM129 PostsRe: XPages doesnt support 'multitasking' for same user?It was rumoured that this would be fixed in 8.5.3, but I'm not sure if it has been. Read more about the reason for the behaviour towards the middle of this blogpost (The limitations): http://www.mindoo.de/web/blog.nsf/dx/17.07.2011101855KLEBRW.htm
~Ned FrogerogenaderNov 11, 2011, 10:04 PM6 PostsFixed in 8.5.3..."Synchronization no longer happens on the session itself, but on the page instance. In short, it can now execute 2 different page instances at the same time, while it locks for postback calls to the same page instance and execute them sequentially."
~Fritz ZekkimanobuNov 1, 2011, 2:01 PM66 PostsRe: XPages doesnt support 'multitasking' for same user? To be honest, server is running Domino 8.5.2FP2 not 8.5.3 ...
~Fritz ZekkimanobuNov 1, 2011, 2:11 PM66 PostsRe: XPages doesnt support 'multitasking' for same user? Just checked on my local 8.5.3 server, seems to be resolved in this version ...