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Aug 9, 2018, 8:20 AM
2 Posts

Lotus script to javascript

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 9.0.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: @dblookup,javascript,client side JavaScript
  • Replies: 0


I developed a small Notes application and I need to have a web version. T hat I soon finished.

I need to have this code in javascript ;

REM {Variable à remplacer pour la sélection};
VarServer := @Subset(@DbName; 1);
VarTitrePicklistChamp:= "Choissisez un équipement";
VarAidePicklistChamp:= "Cliquez sur la colonne à trier";
REM {@Prompt([Ok];"Test";VarDbPath)};

@SetField(VarChamp; @PickList([Custom]:[Single]; VarServer :VarDbPath; VarVuePicklist  ;  VarTitrePicklistChamp  ; VarAidePicklistChamp ; 8));
@SetField( "Type"; @DbLookup("":"NoCache";VarServer:VarDbPath;VarVueSelect;DocumentUniqueIdEquipement;"Type";[FailSilent]));

This code is implemented in a button.
explanation of the use of the code:

when the user clicks on the button a window opens with the specified view and when he double clicks on the view data that filled the specified fields with the desired information.

how to get a similar result with a web version? (get a new window / tab with the specified view and its data).

I can make screenshots .

Thanks for help.





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