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Feb 24, 2011, 9:22 AM
122 Posts

Re: save data sources creating multiple documents

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 4
If you only want to save one data source, the best method is probably to specificaly save that datasource. To do that, change the button type from Submit to Button. Then use SSJS to call the save method for your DominoDocument datasource. By default the first datasource will be document1, so it would be;
If you then want to go to a specific XPage after this function, you can add a simple action afterwards. If you always want to go to the same XPage after successful processing, you've got a property on the main pretty panel for the XPage itself to define the next XPage after success or failure (by default the same page). If that doesn't cover what you need, you can always use Navigation Rules. It's explained in Mastering XPages, I've blogged about it, and so did Jeremy Hodge on The XPages Blog 
Feb 24, 2011, 9:49 AM
13 Posts
Re: save data sources creating multiple documents
Hi Paul,yesterday i was trying to preview xpage in IE which I have developed ,the build is done in 8.5.1,I tried creating document in other db through client it worked when same xpage launched in IE and after filling  4-5 fields test data and attaching a document error i got in IE browser as exception occured calling method not allowed to access or modify the file.Later I changed event of my save button from save datasources to save document and this worked well both in client and web.But i am still trying to figure out this starnge behaviour.

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