In my XPage, I provide a link for user to click which will open up a mail.
The link example is
I want the mail to open in FULL iNotes when in the web browser but it always show the mail content part only.
Any way how to achieve that?
The mail that I wanted to open does exist. I've confirmed this. In my XPage document datasource, I've stored the mail's server and path as well as unid of the maildoc. So for the link I only do SSJS like following to provide the URL.
var unid = document1.getValue("Notification_UNID");
var mailsetdoc:NotesDocument = database.getProfileDocument("Mail Settings", "");
var mailinsvr = mailsetdoc.getItemValueString("MailInDbSvr");
var mailinpath = mailsetdoc.getItemValueString("MailInDbPath");
var mailindb = session.getDatabase(mailinsvr, mailinpath, false);
var notifydoc:NotesDocument = mailindb.getDocumentByUNID(unid);
if (notifydoc != null) {
return notifydoc.getHttpURL();
} |
Anything to modify to the getHttpURL() so that it will open in full iNotes?