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Nov 29, 2012, 4:20 AM
90 Posts

Disable ugly default styles application wide

  • Category: Styles and Themes
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: Styles
  • Replies: 5
I'd like to disable all auto generated xpages theme styles. Because they are ugly and don't cut the mustard.

I know I can do it by applying disableTheme="true" to each and every element, but obviously being a sane person, I'm looking for a way to achieve this at xpage/application level, rather than for each individual element.

Disabling default theme in application properties and replacing it with another theme hasn't worked, some of the ugly stuff is still coming through :
Nov 29, 2012, 5:20 AM
366 Posts
Re: Disable ugly default styles application wide
 The default theme if no theme is set in the application properties is the WebStandard Theme.
You can create your own theme by extending one of the existing themes and changing the class definitions  
look at the css classes applied to the components you want to look differently and create a css stylesheet that overrides those classes. 
Nov 29, 2012, 5:20 AM
366 Posts
Re: Disable ugly default styles application wide
 The default theme if no theme is set in the application properties is the WebStandard Theme.
You can create your own theme by extending one of the existing themes and changing the class definitions  
look at the css classes applied to the components you want to look differently and create a css stylesheet that overrides those classes. 
Nov 29, 2012, 10:29 AM
135 Posts
Re: Disable ugly default styles application wide
Sound like you are still extending webstandard theme in your own theme. Make sure you don't include "extends" attribute in your own theme. Usually this is in place:
and needs to be removed.
Nov 29, 2012, 3:29 PM
366 Posts
Re: Disable ugly default styles application wide
Be careful not extending an existing theme unless you have ensured you are including the need dojo libraries and styles to make calendar and rich text fields work correctly.
Many of the core components depend upon having the dojo and IBM XSP libraries and styles available.
Nov 29, 2012, 4:49 PM
90 Posts
Re: Disable ugly default styles application wide
Many thanks all, appreciated!
Aside, off topic:
Back in the day, used to be functionality was king.
Now, they saying content is king.
Well, to be cynical, I'd say now, "look and feel" is king. Users are really picky about that now. If they don't like the look of something -- all they have to say to a higher-up a few times is something like, "looks clunky" or "looks old", and that app is already on the way out the door, no matter how much functionality or content it delivers. Microsoft got the "look and feel" thing very early, which is why they beat the pants off cc:mail and Notes mail even though their mail (which even changed name multiple times) wasn't as good a product technically.

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