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Mar 3, 2011, 9:46 PM
6 Posts

refreshing field on tabbed panels

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: partial refresh
  • Replies: 2
Working on an XPage with a three tab tabbed panel.  I'm having problems having a selection on the first panel cause a refresh to a field (not in view) on the 2nd, so that when the user selects the second panel the field is populated for use.
I'm sure this must be simple and I just haven't figured it out.  Any help is appreciated...

Mar 4, 2011, 7:58 AM
149 Posts
Re: refreshing field on tabbed panels
ok, maybe I did not answer your question below.
What do you mean by "having problem" please specify what code you tried and the error, thx
I believe the standad tabbed panel control is hiding content not visible, so the fields are probably not avavilable for refresh. 
you can easily check which fields are available in the html source.
Try the dojo tab container in extlib.
- Thomas
Mar 4, 2011, 12:31 PM
122 Posts
Re: refreshing field on tabbed panels
As Thomas Adrian says, your problem could be that only the current tab is not sent to the browser with the XPages tabbed panel, so any client-side javascript event (e.g. a partial refresh that does not update the server or anything) will not update your field. You can see this in firebug, by checking the requests to the server, or by viewing the source HTML. All this means you can't use client-side javascript to update a field on a different tab. You may be able to use SSJS in a partial refresh, so getComponent("myInputText").setValue("new value"). However, because you're on 8.5.1, you'll hit any validation issues.
The basic dojo tabbed panel sends content for all tabs to the browser, but just hides the other tabs from view, so it would allow you to update the field with client-side javascript. The dojotoolkit website will give you the syntax to use and the dojo modules to include, but it's quite straightforward.

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