I tried to understand the point but is not possible.
This happens both when I have a XPages connected to different data sources (view or document).
It seemed to me could be a problem of session, but it also happens when I'm working on.
I enabled the JVM logs for more information but the result is not always clear.
2011-02-22T16:47:18.224+01:00 FINE Terminating NotesContext
2011-02-22T16:47:18.224+01:00 SEVERE CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown
2011-02-22T16:47:18.224+01:00 SEVERE CLFAD0246E: Exception occurred servicing request for: folder/db.nsf/page.xsp - HTTP Code: 500
2011-02-22T16:47:18.224+01:00 VERY FINE RETURN 500 com.ibm.domino.xsp.bridge.http.manager
2011-02-22T16:47:42.818+01:00 VERY FINE ENTRY cache maintenance com.ibm.domino.xsp.bridge.http.manager
IBM is a possible soluzioine but in future I'd like to understand what makes the server crash.