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Mar 24, 2012, 4:34 AM
63 Posts

Java Search Feature: Xpages Buttons/Links

  • Category: Custom JSF code (Eclipse IDE)
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: JavaBean,Backing Bean,Xpages,Link Component
  • Replies: 0
 Knowledge Sharing:

JavaBean/Backing Bean

Search NSF with Links on form


System Requirements:

Download Domino Designer 8.5.2 Environment (DDE)


Build a connection to a Lotus Notes Domino Database located on C Drive using a JavaBean, Backing Bean. Once connection is established, grab view data and load to Xpages form. Search for unique documents using links on the page.


Information contained in the following is presented as is. This tutorial assumes you have basic programming knowledge. All tutorials are based on an Eclipse/Eclipse-based software. Should you need to familiarize yourself with a certain Eclipse environment, prior to continuing this tutorial, please stop now and see our Tutorials page...

Build Results into Xpages

At this point we assume Domino Designer 8.5.2 is downloaded/installed and a new JavaBean, Backing Bean, and the Xpage are already created. Copy and paste below code to your environment for each code samples.



*Copyright2012 DököllSolutions,Inc.

Licensedunder theApacheLicense,Version 2.0(the"License");

youmay notuse thisfile exceptincompliancewith theLicense.

Youmay obtaina copyof theLicense at

Unlessrequired byapplicablelaw oragreed toin writing,software

distributedunder theLicense isdistributedon an"ASIS"BASIS,


Seethe Licensefor thespecificlanguagegoverningpermissionsand

limitationsunder theLicense.





*JavaBeanClass toload viewdata toXpages



*Addingactual datafrom aview


*Modified toaddadditionalfield'BrowserURL'







publicclassKeyword {

privateString Category;

privateString Topic;

privateString BrowserURL;

// getter/setter methods


* @returnthetopicName


publicString getTopic() {




* @paramtopicName

*thetopicNameto set


publicvoidsetTopic(String topic) {

this.Topic= topic;



* @paramcategoryName

*thecategoryNameto set


publicvoidsetCategory(String category) {

this.Category= category;



* @returnthecategoryName


publicString getCategory() {




* @returnthebrowserURL


publicString getBrowserURL() {




* @parambrowserURL

*thebrowserURLto set


publicvoidsetBrowserURL(String browserURL) {

BrowserURL= browserURL;


//call this method from the backing bean

publicKeyword(String Category, String Topic, String BrowserURL) {

this.Category= Category;

this.Topic= Topic;

this.BrowserURL= BrowserURL;



Backing Bean it!

Your JavaBean has been created, and we assume it compiles okay. You are now ready to plug in a Backing Bean to load data to Xpages. Copy and paste below to your environment, areas of interest have been highlighted for your convenience.


*Copyright2012 DököllSolutions,Inc.

Licensedunder theApacheLicense,Version 2.0(the"License");

youmay notuse thisfile exceptincompliancewith theLicense.

Youmay obtaina copyof theLicense at

Unlessrequired byapplicablelaw oragreed toin writing,software

distributedunder theLicense isdistributedon an"ASIS"BASIS,


Seethe Licensefor thespecificlanguagegoverningpermissionsand

limitationsunder theLicense.



*NewRetrievalBean forXpages


*Modified toadd Debugvariables

*Modified toadd URLreference,additionalfield'BrowserURL',UniversalIDcall


*Modified toAdd Servercalls toensure therightserver isloaded

*this alsohelps inthe casethe appis viewedin theClient sideof Notes

*TO DO:Add:ClientTypeto ensurewhere usersare comingfrom











*@authorDököll Solutions, Inc.




publicclassRetrieveNewNoticeBackingBean {

// declare variables

finalString DB_LOAD= "Docu.nsf/";

// Added Server calls

// 2012.

// declare variable for localhost Server

finalString LOCAL_LOAD= "http://localhost/";

finalString ViewName= "By Category";

// Get Keyword collection

publicKeyword[] getKeywords() {

// Declare Keyword Array

Keyword[] keywords = null;


// 2011.

// get the current database being used

Database database = (Database) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()



// Call HTTP ServletClass to render a Server Name

// 2012.

HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext


// declare String to hold the ServerName

StringDB_SERVER = httpServletRequest.getServerName();

// Get the full URL and join it with the current document to grab

// from Notes back-end

// 2012.

HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext


StringbaseURL = req.getRequestURL().toString().replace(

req.getRequestURI().substring(1), req.getContextPath());

// Above does not work in Notes Client, we get below error

// Error 404: ProxyServlet:

// //xsp/Docu.nsf/By%20Category/464A7E820B12313A85257849005B8BFE

// 2012.

// TO DO: Call the right server via facesContext and tack that

// onto the URL... pull up folders as well (hasNext)

// 2012.

// Grab a collection of all Keyword documents

View view = database.getView(ViewName);

System.out.println("View Obtained..." + view);

Document sDoc;

Document ndoc;

sDoc = (Document) view.getFirstDocument();

System.out.println("Document Obtained..." + sDoc);

// Begin initialization of the Keywords Array

// load documents count

keywords = newKeyword[view.getEntryCount()];

// Run through Keyword document collection

intdocount = 0;

while(sDoc != null) {

Keyword keyword = newKeyword(null,null,null);

// render document values to variables of

// Keyword object



// TO DO: Alternatively, add baseURL variable in the place of

// DB_LOAD and LOCAL_LOAD. This works best in a web Browser...



// Send Keyword object into Keywords Array

keywords[docount] = keyword;

// increment counts

docount += 1;

// load next doc

ndoc = (Document) view.getNextDocument(sDoc);

sDoc = ndoc;


// return the Array


}catch(Exception e) {






Build Xpage file

Full code added below, jump ahead if necessary, but do read the steps, we will be using a link component and throw an URL underneath to allow unique documents to be viewed. Areas of interest have been highlighted for your convenience.


  1. Go to DDE's Database Navigator to your upper left

  2. Double-click XPages, then click New XPage button

  3. Code is generated, drag a link component from Core Controls Window

  4. Select the link, Go to Properties Tab below to modify/add items

  5. Your code should look bellow sample, (image at your choosing)...

Code to be modified

<xp:linkescape="true"text="Link"id="link1"title="Testing Links"




  1. Go to the Backing Bean, try to understand how the URL is created

  2. Make a note of the variable 'browserURL' to see how it connects to the Xpages form

// declare variables

finalString DB_LOAD= "Docu.nsf/";

finalString LOCAL_LOAD= "http://localhost/";

view = database.getView(ViewName);

Document sDoc;



TIP:browserURLvariable was declared in the Keyword JavaBean:

Keyword keyword = newKeyword(null,null,null);

Modify test Xpage, remove information entered earlier

  1. Copy dataSource and field name from Topic column '#{categoryTable.topic}'

  2. Replace Link in text="Link"with the dataSource

  3. Copy #{javascript:categoryTable.browserURL}dataSource

  4. Replace value=""

*Your code should look as below...

Code modified



See original code for added information.









layout="FirstImage PreviousImage SeparatorPage Group NextImage LastImage"


style="color:rgb(0,64,64);font-weight:bold;background-position:top center" />


layout="FirstImage PreviousImage SeparatorPage Group NextImage LastImage"

xp:key="footer"id="pager2"for="dataTable1"title="By Category"

style="color:rgb(0,64,64);font-weight:bold;background-position:top center" />





style="font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial Black;font-size:14pt;background-color:rgb(220,237,237);color:rgb(0,64,0)"for="image1"value="File"/>



style="text-align:center;background-position:center center;width:88.0px">




<xp:imageid="image1"url="/search.gif"alt="View File"






<xp:labelvalue="Subject"id="topic1"xp:key="header"style="font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial Black;font-size:14pt;background-color:rgb(220,237,237);color:rgb(0,64,0)"/>







<xp:labelvalue="Category"id="category1"xp:key="header"style="font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial Black;font-size:14pt;background-color:rgb(220,237,237);color:rgb(0,64,0)"/>








You can now essentially have user clicks on an image from the Xpage to load unique documents or you can make links with the unique dataSource values returned.

Added info:You will need to reference in your faces-config.xml file

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HCL Software Customer Support Portal for U.S. Federal Government clients
HCL Software Customer Support Portal