Found out why the code didn't work in the client. It seems that the client expect a completly different URL Format.
Why IBM did it that way is anyones guess...
Here's an updated SSJS for the view display.
(Code for the notes client version adapted from
var dbpfx
var myView = "0" //dummy view name
var myDoc = viewEntry.getColumnValue("unid") // this is a column with the reference 'unid'
var thumbName = "thumbPic.jpg" //hardcoded value in the rich text lite field
if (@ClientType()=="Web"){
// web version
var mydb = @Left(session.getHttpURL(),".nsf")
if (@Length(mydb) == 0){
dbpfx = context.getUrl().getPath() }
return "<img src='" + dbpfx + myView + "/" + myDoc + "/$File/" + thumbName + "' WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100>"
//Notes Client version
var curURL = context.getUrl();
var curAdr = curURL.getAddress();
var rel = curURL.getSiteRelativeAddress(context);
var step1 = curAdr.substr(0,curAdr.indexOf(rel));
// Now cut off the http
var step2 = step1.substr(step1.indexOf("//")+2);
var base = step2.substr(step2.indexOf("/"));var middle = "/xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment";if (base.substr(0,4) == "/xsp") {middle += base.substr(4);
} else {middle += base;
var result = base + middle + "/" + myDoc + "/$File/" + thumbName + "?Open";return "<img src='" + result + "'/>";}