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Nov 9, 2011, 4:39 PM
23 Posts

passing placebar actions to applicationLayout via compositdata

  • Category: Extension Library
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: applicationLayout,placeBarActions
  • Replies: 1
I have a oneui custom control that I use on every page in my app.  the control contains an applicationLayout control and i want to pass the placeBarActions into the control using compositData but5 I just can't seem to get it to work...  I've tries several ways but just can't get it....
this was the one I was most hopeful would work but it actually cause an error in the control's generated java file
            <xe:oneuiApplication legalLogoAlt="OAG"
                productLogoHeight="40px" productLogoWidth="175px" placeBar="true"
                footer="false" legal="true" legalLogo="/logo-Color.gif">
I was able to get it to kind of work using a repeat node in the placebarActions and looping the compositData.action but then I am limited to one type leafnode
I also tried...
    <xp:this.afterPageLoad><![CDATA[#{javascript:oneui = getComponent("oneUILayout1");
uiconfig = oneui.getConfiguration();
but yeah that didn't work either
Does anyone have any ideas...
Nov 9, 2011, 6:38 PM
23 Posts
Re: passing placebar actions to applicationLayout via compositdata
I had to open the source for the to find the answer...
I was calling the wrong method...
    var oneui = getComponent("oneUILayout1");
    var uiConfig = oneui.getConfiguration();
the compositeData.actions is of type and when it is used in an xpage you just have to addyour child nodes and set the container to transparent...  
Now I just have to get the onItemClick events to bubble up from the custom control so they can be handled at the page level...

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