- I snagged the dojo directories from R8.5.3 CD4.
- Then I overlaid it with the source of dojo-1.5.1 RC3, I think it was. By overlaid, I mean I copied the source of that distro over the top of the 853CD4 distro, letting it overwrite duplicate files but leaving the rest of the directory structure intact.
- Then I used that hybrid ibm/dojo source tree to create a custom build.
- Then I copied this custom build release to my R8.5.1 server as directory dojo-1.5.1, leaving the original dojo tree intact.
- XPages will automagically use the very latest version of dojo it finds, so all my R8.5.1 XPages are using dojo-1.5.1 custom build with full XPage automagic CSJS support.
- Woot!
Hope this helps...
P.S. This has not been attempted with dojo 1.6. Prior trials stuffing dojo 1.5.x into Domino's 1.4.3 tree resulted in failure. There are a lot of changes in dojo 1.6 so I would expect a similar failure there. Never thought of attempting to manually register the XSP modules to fix it. That seems like "better" way to do it, if it works.