BTW: the "fancy Eclipse way" David is referring too is: select the two design elements you want to compare (hold down CTRL), right click and choose Compare With --> Each other.
Excellent tip! That one will definitely come in useful. This is the sort of thing we've really been missing out on all these years in the Designer client. Good to see this sort of thing starting to make an appearance.
Right, I compared the code in your event handler with mine and had exactly the same thing. No clues there unfortunately. What I found shortly afterwards, however, was that I've done what I always do which is shoot myself in the foot by fiddling rather than just following the instructions. Unfortunately, this is how I learn, but it doesn't half cause me headaches sometimes!
What I'd done is set the 'createForm' property on the parent xpage to false. I'd done this because not having this set had caused me a peculiar css issue in one of the earlier examples (an h2 within a .lotusForm class form has some margin settings which may not have been in the oneui css when Declan wrote his tutorial). For some reason, preventing Domino from putting a form element in the html also prevents it from applying the onclick events within the control. I'm going to have a look at the different html which gets generated with the option set and not set and try to understand why, but for the moment my problem is fixed and I am happy!
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Oh, and so I know for the future, did you paste your code directly into this editor or did you do something special for it to have posted nicely like that?