Posted this in but didn't know if there could also be some help here:
My XPage headTag code works correctly within the firewall. Because users will access this database through a proxy, the proxy is causing a problem with my icon/bookmark icons. This error appears in the logs:
File does not exist: C:/www/docs/ttt/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png where 'ttt' will direct you to the Domino server 'path' below.
The path on our Domino server is: /sss/database.nsf/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
The png files are in my Image Resources. I thought that using the headTag with the href parameter and png filename would do the trick especially since the images are in the database. Do I need to hard-code the path above? Or how do I dynamically code? Or is there a different approach altogether? THANKS! Kendra
In HTML I might do this:
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="touch-icon-iphone.png" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="touch-icon-ipad.png" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="touch-icon-iphone-retina.png" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="touch-icon-ipad-retina.png" />
In headTag in XPages Resources I am doing this:
<xp:headTag tagName="link" loaded="true" rendered="true">
<xp:parameter name="rel" value="apple-touch-icon"
<xp:parameter name="href" value="AppIcon.png"></xp:parameter>
<xp:headTag tagName="link" rendered="true" loaded="true">
<xp:parameter name="rel" value="apple-touch-icon"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter value="72x72" name="sizes"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter name="href"
<xp:headTag tagName="link" rendered="true" loaded="true">
<xp:parameter name="rel" value="apple-touch-icon"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter value="57x57" name="sizes"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter name="href" value="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"></xp:parameter>
<xp:headTag tagName="link" rendered="true" loaded="true">
<xp:parameter name="rel" value="apple-touch-icon"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter value="114x114" name="sizes"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter name="href" value="touch-icon-iphone-retina.png">
<xp:headTag tagName="link" rendered="true" loaded="true">
<xp:parameter name="rel" value="apple-touch-icon"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter value="144x144" name="sizes"></xp:parameter>
<xp:parameter name="href" value="touch-icon-ipad-retina.png">