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Oct 2, 2014, 3:07 PM
68 Posts

how to make doclinks look better on an xPage - update

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: All
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 1

I have decided to display each link with a label, rather than try to use a doclink AND a label.  This way, each link is displayed on a separate line, simply as follows:



The javascript is:  rti.appendDocLink(doc,"Link to "+rnum,rnum)

where "rnum" is the "2014-#####" number from the multivalue text field, and is also an identifier for each document linked.


I have some javascript in a library that is called from buttons on an xPage.  The code itself works perfectly.  My question is how to make it look better - in the Notes client, I have a rich text field, and on the QueryClose event, I check a multivalue text field, and used the values in that field to find documents and create links in the rich text field.  In the rich text field, there is a separate line for each doclink, along with a text label that corresponds to the values in the multivalue text field.  For example, in Notes, it looks like:

2014-00001 <doclink>

2014-00002 <doclink>


I'm doing the same thing in xPages, but the doclink is placed on the line BELOW the text label, so it looks like:





This makes for a long rich text field, so I've put it in its own section that is collapsed by default.  Any ideas of how to make this look better?  Maybe create an HTML table in the javascript that sets the values???

Oct 3, 2014, 11:58 AM
18 Posts
Interested in seeing more of your code


I would really like to see how you did this. I am struggling with how to capture and display doc links in Xpages as well.

For example, how can a user "Copy As Link" on a doc link and paste it into an email? I don't think they can, so in my Xpages form I have a little custom control to give them something to copy and paste.

Would like to see how you handle this (if you do) and how your doc links in an Xpage look.

You can email me directly at bryanschmiedeler [AT]


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