You can't put Domino objects into the scope variables because the Domino Objects are recycled by the server.
I think I understand why you are trying to do it, you have a config databases that contains lookup tables etc. and you want to put them it into the scope for easy assess and to cut down on open DB handles.
If this is what your doing then I'd suggest a serialized function that reads the values into an application scope ( so all users of the app can benefit ). the function would create a hashmap, put all the lookup vales into it and then return it as an array to the caller. The next time the function is called it checks to see if the hashmap exists and if it does it just returns it without having to open the config database. Then you can add some sort of expiry system to the function that checks to see if the values in the hashmap are older then, say 60 minutes, then update the hashmap before returning it.
Hope that helps.