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May 14, 2013, 1:29 PM
47 Posts

Keep one container node open in a Navigator

  • Category: Extension Library
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role:
  • Tags: navigator,expand level
  • Replies: 4

I have a page navigator with 3 Container Nodes. This navigator is in the left facet of a layout.  I set the expandLevel property to 0 to have only the parent node showing.


> Administration


> Expenses


> Approval



Inside each container node I have some Page Link nodes.

When I open a parent node I can see all its Page Link nodes which is OK.   

When I click on one page link I see the chosen page in the Middle facet which is also ok.

> Administration


> Expenses

       All Expenses

       Expenses - no receipt

       Expenses - paid


> Approval




But the problem is that the Container node (Expenses in my example) is closing but I want it to remain opened. 

How can I set this?
May 15, 2013, 10:23 AM
10 Posts
Do you have the markup? And are you navigating between various XPages?
May 15, 2013, 11:16 AM
47 Posts
Re: Keep one container node open in a Navigator
Yes I am navigating between various XPages.  Here is the code for the navigator:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlns:xe="">
 <xp:styleSheet href="/core.css"></xp:styleSheet>
   <xe:navigator id="navigator1"
 styleClass="lotusColLeft .lotusSection h2" expandable="true"
        <xe:basicContainerNode label="Administration"
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Original Expense Documents"
   page="/ViewExpenseV2.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Submitted Unasssigned"
   page="/ViewExpenseSubmitted2.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Manager Approver List"
          page="/ViewApprovalManager.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
    <xe:separatorTreeNode rendered="true"></xe:separatorTreeNode>
    <xe:basicContainerNode label="Expense Lines"
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="All Expenses - by line"
   page="/ViewExpenseLines.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Unexported lines"
          page="/ViewExpenseLinesUnposted.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
    <xe:separatorTreeNode rendered="true"></xe:separatorTreeNode>
    <xe:basicContainerNode label="Approval"
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Pending Ops Approval"
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Ops Approved"
   page="/VwELOpsApprovedByApprover.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
     <xe:pageTreeNode label="Pending Manager Approval"
   page="/VwELPendingApproval.xsp" style="font-size:10pt">
May 15, 2013, 3:42 PM
10 Posts
This is working as designed and an enhancement request has been logged
The expand and collapse feature works perfectly when on the one XPage and swapping out content with partial refresh. However, when you're moving between XPages you lose the last state of the expand\collapse state. PHAN95BGY4 has been logged to address this so that users can easily preserve the state of the twisties.
May 15, 2013, 4:32 PM
47 Posts
Re: Keep one container node open in a Navigator
That's too bad.


Thanks anyway for your help  

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