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Sep 12, 2011, 7:22 PM
16 Posts

getColumnValues and Negative numbers

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 2
 I have a dojo column chart and I am using the following to get the values.
 var business = getComponent("business1").getValue()
if (business=="ABL"){ 
if (viewScope.Currency != null ) {
var keys=new java.util.Vector();
var db:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase("","db.nsf"); 
var CostCenterView:NotesView = db.getView("(Country5)")
var nav:NotesViewNavigator = CostCenterView.createViewNav();
var entry:NotesViewEntry = CostCenterView.getEntryByKey(keys);
entry = nav.getPrev(entry);
entry = nav.getPrev(entry);
if (entry == null) {
else {
var month1 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[8]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month2 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[9]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month3 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[10]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month4 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[11]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month5 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[12]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month6 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[13]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month7 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[14]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month8 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[15]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month9 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[16]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month10 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[17]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month11 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[18]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month12= Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[19]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
return result = month1 + "," + month2 + "," + month3 + "," + month4 + "," + month5 + "," + month6 + "," + month7 + "," + month8 + "," + month9 + "," + month10 + "," + month11+ "," + month12 
This works as long as the numbers in the columns are positive number. Creating a number array 1,2,3,4,5,6.... which I use for the dojo charts. 
However if one of the numbers is a negative in on of the column values I get
-1.3591E3,6655.8 vs -1359.1,66558 .  
Also if a single value the negative -1359.1 also.  Not sure why?   
Sep 12, 2011, 8:54 PM
16 Posts
Re: getColumnValues and Negative numbers
 Actually all of the code works it is only the concatenation that is the issue.  I tested with the following
var a = -1359.1 
var b = 6659.60 
return a + "," + b 
I get the below result 
For some reason the negative is being converted. 
Sep 13, 2011, 1:07 PM
16 Posts
Re: getColumnValues and Negative numbers
Figured it out.  I in the below was retrieving the columnvalues and artificially creating an array the the result.  This was converting all of my numeric values to strings causing the issue.  
        var month1 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[8]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month2 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[9]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month3 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[10]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month4 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[11]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month5 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[12]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month6 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[13]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month7 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[14]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month8 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[15]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month9 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[16]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month10 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[17]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month11 = Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[18]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
var month12= Math.round(entry.getColumnValues()[19]*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);
return result = month1 + "," + month2 + "," + month3 + "," + month4 + "," + month5 + "," + month6 + "," + month7 + "," + month8 + "," + month9 + "," + month10 + "," + month11+ "," + month12 
 I changed it to create the array properly :)
var month = new java.util.Vector();

return result = month  

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