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Oct 27, 2013, 10:22 PM
453 Posts

Getting values from a viewEntryCollection in a repeat control

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 9.0
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: repeate control,viewEntryCollection
  • Replies: 3

K have a repeat control that has a second level repeat. The first level is a list of categories and the dataSource for that column (catData) is bound to a viewScope variable that is loaded on afterPageLoads. The second level is populated by a lookup using catData  --> database.getView("xpAutomation").getAllEntriesByKey(catData, true); <-- I need to use the getAllEntries rather than getAllDocs because I need to retain the sort order of the view. The view xpAutomation has a column called Sort and it shows in the Data panel. the problem is in my second level repeat if I use the formula

"Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValues("Sort")

then I get the error :

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=2, col=28: [TypeError] Method NotesViewEntry.getColumnValues(string) not found, or illegal parameters

but if I use :

"Sort Order " + detailData.getDocument().getItemValue("Sort")[0];

it works correctly, however, I believe the detailData.getDocument.getItemValue("Sort") is not as efficient as the getColumnValues but the value seems not to be available. detailData is clearly a NotesEntryCollection so I can not see why it can't find the Column Value for Sort.

Any Ideas?


Oct 28, 2013, 12:55 AM
586 Posts


It's late on football sunday and I might have partaken in a few beers :-) so feel free to ignore if needed.

You say this doesn't work:

"Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValues("Sort")

Assuming there's no typo here, I believe getColumnValueS returns an ARRAY of all the values.  What I usually use is getColumnValue(x) I think... where x is the number of the column.  I don't typically use the programmatic name of the column but that should work.  Just use the singlular value rather then valueS I THINK.

You then do this:


"Sort Order " + detailData.getDocument().getItemValue("Sort")[0];

This works because you get the document.  Keep in mind that unlike LotusScript there's a specific method we can use in XPages:


Just another way to do that....


Yes...  if you're in a repeat control making a lot of calles to getDocumenr() that's going to be expensive.  It might work ok... but there are other ways to do that.  But most likely if you drop the s on the getColumnValues call it will work as expected.





Oct 28, 2013, 4:05 PM
453 Posts
Interesting but still does not work

detailData is a viewEntry so I selected the property getColumnValues from the reference for Domino/NotesViewEntry which is plural and there is no singular getColumnValue. In any case when I use the notation

"Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValue(1)

to get the second column in the view I get the error:

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=2, col=28: [TypeError] Error calling method 'getColumnValue(number)' on an object of type 'lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry [Static Java Interface Wrapper, lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry: lotus.domino.ViewEntry]'

JavaScript code

   1: //"Sort Order " + detailData.getDocument().getItemValue("Sort")[0];
   2: "Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValue(1)

Referencing the column by name gets this error:

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=2, col=28: [TypeError] Error calling method 'getColumnValue(string)' on an object of type 'lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry [Static Java Interface Wrapper, lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry: lotus.domino.ViewEntry]'

JavaScript code

   1: //"Sort Order " + detailData.getDocument().getItemValue("Sort")[0];
   2: "Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValue("Sort")

Using the getColumnValues gets this:

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=2, col=28: [TypeError] Error calling method 'getColumnValue(string)' on an object of type 'lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry [Static Java Interface Wrapper, lotus.domino.local.ViewEntry: lotus.domino.ViewEntry]'

JavaScript code

   1: //"Sort Order " + detailData.getDocument().getItemValue("Sort")[0];
   2: "Sort Order " + detailData.getColumnValue("Sort")

The view in question is dirt simple just three columns the first is a name, the second is the sort order and the third is just a description.

This is really perplexing.

Oct 29, 2013, 9:30 AM
54 Posts

As shown in the error message: ther´s no funtion getColumnValue in viewEntry class.

Tra  detailRow.getColumnValues([0])

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