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Apr 20, 2011, 7:59 PM
31 Posts

Re: Cannot Get Field Value From Inside Function

  • Category: Dojo and Client Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: client side JavaScript
  • Replies: 4
To follow along your path, have you tried:
XSP.getElementById("#{id:computedField2}").innerHTML;  ?
Apr 20, 2011, 8:13 PM
10 Posts
Re: Cannot Get Field Value From Inside Function - GOT IT!!!
Yup, and I get the same results.  I have absolutely no idea why I couldn't use any of those configurations.
However, the good news is that with just a bit of tweaking, I was able to use the dojo.query to obtain the field value.  You use

var employer = dojo.query('[id$=\":EmployerID\"]')[0];
alert("employer:  " + employer.innerHTML);
I had used compositeData to bring the value of EmployerID from the custom control it was in, to the computedField2 on the current custom control.  However, with the above, I can directly access the data from the other custom control without using compositeData.  I had thought that was initially part of my problem - that the code couldn't 'see' the field because it was on another custom control and I understood that they can't see inside of each other.

Ya gotta love it when stuff works and in a more simple way than you were trying to do it!
Thanks so much for your help with this.  I do appreciate the suggestions.

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