~Dean UmjipychekoopsiFeb 18, 2011, 6:38 PM40 PostsRe: DOJO GANTT charts I haven not seen it but was google translator able to help?
~Zach QuetaplopingsFeb 21, 2011, 8:16 AM11 PostsRe: DOJO GANTT chartsHi, you have the google translator but if you are unhappy with this, I can help with the spanish. Could you post the link? regards Manuel.
~Karl KigerosterikleMay 4, 2011, 6:34 PM122 PostsRe: DOJO GANTT chartsGANTT charts are new with Dojo 1.6.0, although that's not supported in any current Domino release and probably won't be officially included in 8.5.3. I'm not sure how much documentation there is on it at the moment though, and I haven't had the chance to dive into them and see how they work.