I have not used the search bar because I needed to customize the search much finer than what I could with the search bar. What I ended up doing is that I created an Action Button that called a search dialog. This gives the end user the option to customize the search in any way. In the Go button I create a query against a view in the target database (did that because there are several different types of documents in the database) the view selects only the documents that I want from the target db. In the view add any number of columns and set them to sortable. I get the columns from the view and populate a combo list for the sort columns. Then in the Go button I search the view
var n:Integer = vw.FTSearchSorted(query, maxReturn , column, sortOrder, exactCase, variants, fuzzy);
I then loop through the view and collect the UNID's of each document and store that list in a viewScope variable and make the viewScope the dataSource for a repeat control. Now I have complete control over the process and how the returned result is formated and presented to the user. I created the dialog in a custom control that I use in lots of different spots. You could create several different views in your database and have the query work against different views depending on a users selection or ?????
In any case this works well for me, and is pretty quick even when maxReturn is large, but then the user probably needs to refine their search.