I guess multi-value fields are not XPages forte, but it really surprises me what happens when filtering. It's broken, but I cannot figure out the rule - how or why.
I have 3 documents with multivalue field:
1) Abram; D'Ora; Minte; Taylor; Tunga
2) Mille; Roda; Tara
3) Tucke (ok this is a single value)
Without filter in the view where "show multiple values as separate entries" has been set, all the the values display alphabetically in separate rows as expected. Same in the XPage from this view. No filtering for the time being.
Now when adding the filter it becomes absolutely wild. Filters:
T -> Mille, D'Ora, Tucke, Taylor - I kind of expected to see all names starting with T. The number of (4) entries is correct - there should be 4 names staring with T, I find all 3 documents, Here it seems D'Ora replace Tunga and Mille stands instead of Tara
Tu -> Tucke (correct), Taylor (seems stands instead of Tunga) - the documents again are correct, but not the displayed names
Tun -> Abram - again the right doc, random name
D -> Abram - same
M -> Mille, D'Ora- same
Well I guess that's it - the rule is = filter returns correct document and displays random values - one per each value corresponding to filter. This somehow does not look good enough to use in application.