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Feb 12, 2012, 3:18 PM
18 Posts

Git or Mercurial ( Hg )

  • Category: Source Control Management
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: GIT,Hg
  • Replies: 5
David Leedy asked the very sensible question why GIT and not Mercurial ( Hg ) ? 
As there is likely to be some debate I have branched ( or is it forked ? :-) )  that element of the discussion to here it that is OK ?
My reasons for GIT were that it seemed to be considered best in class. 
I did consider Hg as Declan Lynch and David  have done a great job in providing materials for it.
At the moment I am very open to considering the Pros and Cons of each !
Please give your views, thanks, Sean 
Feb 12, 2012, 3:23 PM
586 Posts
Re: Git or Mercurial ( Hg )
 I'll just add at the moment that Declan and I and Mike McGarel use Hg in the day job and not had a problem.  I have a NotesIn9 on using Hg with that will be out in a day or two in case anyones interest in it with a cloud type host.
Feb 12, 2012, 5:22 PM
6 Posts
Re: Git or Mercurial ( Hg )
I prefer Git, mainly because of its "bigger and better" community and supporting tools (gitflow) and websites such as
And there probably are some technical reasons why Git is used for some pretty big projects such as Linux Kernel or Drupal to name just few.
Feb 13, 2012, 10:23 AM
1 Posts
Re: Git or Mercurial ( Hg )
We've been using Mercurial in a production for some three months. We have seen both good and bad - I will write a blog post about it soon. Hopefully, we'll be able to extract some of our experiences and convert them into useable knowledge.
Feb 13, 2012, 6:33 PM
6 Posts
Re: Git or Mercurial ( Hg )
probably the best answer can be found at :)
Feb 21, 2012, 3:57 PM
122 Posts
Re: Git or Mercurial ( Hg )
Mercurial was my initial tool of choice, thanks to Dave Leedy's tutorial. But I found that it failed to push up a large database. It turned out it was because of the size. I ended up having to push it in three chunks, which was a huge pain.
I then used Git. The only problem I had was needing to set the HOME environment variable, but this solved the problem I've not had a problem pushing up a database with that.

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