Thanks Alex! I fully undestand that.
but I was not referring to the function/method itself; I was referring to the parameter it carries, which is the item name.
example - a field that doesn't exist yet in the document: "DocTitle"
in NotesDocument class:
NotesDocument.replaceItemValue("DocTitle", "Test123");
NotesDocument.getItemValue("DocTitle"); //returns the supposed value
NotesDocument.getItemValue("DOCTITLE"); //returns the supposed value
NotesDocument.getItemValue("doctitle"); //returns the supposed value
NotesDocument.getItemValue("dOcTiTlE");// returns the supposed value
but in NotesXspDocument class:
NotesXspDocument.replaceItemValue("DocTitle", "Test123");
NotesXspDocument.getItemValue("DocTitle");// returns the supposed value
NotesXspDocument.getItemValue("DOCTITLE");// returns null
NotesXspDocument.getItemValue("doctitle");// returns null
NotesXspDocument.getItemValue("dOcTiTlE");// returns null