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Nov 13, 2014, 7:48 AM
5 Posts

Dynamic View Panel Inquiry

  • Category: Extension Library
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role:
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 3

Hello guys,


Need some clarifications regarding the Dynamic View Panel of extLib.

I am thinking of installing the extension library in our domino server just for the sole purpose of fixing this issue I am having with the default ViewPanel:

My issue is in view panel, I have a checkbox selection. Whenever I expand/collapse my categorized columns, the checkbox states are not "remembered" since I guess when a user checks a checkbox, it is only checked in the client side and not on the server side.

My question is: will the problem not occur in Dynamic View Panel? If it still does, can I fix it using existing solutions? (did a bit of advance research and found the onColumnClick event that is new for Dynamic View Panel)

Posted a screenshot of the problem below. Thank you in advance!


Nov 13, 2014, 3:27 PM
453 Posts
I would recommend installing the extension library

regardless. AS far as the check box issue I would convert the view to repeat control and now a check box on the repeat is simple. I would recommend that you go to David Leedy's site and find episode 25Selecting Documents from inside a Repeat Control he demonstrates a really simple piece of JAVA code that could be activated by a check box or button or pretty much anything  you can click on. I have developed a pretty simple method of creating categorized 'views' in a repeat control. See . The standard view panel in XPages is pretty weak (IMHO) and I have got the Extension Library one to work with limited success. I have gone to repeat controls for virtually all of the "views" in my applications. They are easy to build, easy to modify and you can put repeats inside repeats to do all sorts of neat things. Plus you have way more control over the look and feel of the out put. From the looks of your example I would say that it would take me about 1/2 hr to build it in a repeat with the selection box etc. What you do with the selected documents is another issue, but a simple one as the UNIDs of the selected Docs are stored in a sessionScope variable.

I use a fair bit of the extension Library but it is not the solution for everything.

Nov 13, 2014, 3:47 PM
298 Posts
Don't forget the data view
Not that it would help in this case with check boxes, but, the presentation of the data view is nice and if you use boostrap4xpages it does look very nice.

Nov 19, 2014, 7:41 AM
5 Posts

Thanks Bill and Howard for the replies. I will try your suggestions. Hopefully I can make this work since this problem is really a pain in the ass.

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