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Aug 10, 2011, 9:10 AM
8 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

Save Conflicts when no editable fields

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: save conflicts
  • Replies: 2
 Hi all,
I am facing an issue rather similar to the one described by Julian Buss here ->
I have an Xpage containing only a Custom Control. This Custom Control is a container with a facet control. The facet is linked to a custom control, which I'll call ccMainForm.
The custom control ccMainForm has a panel, with a datasource to a NotesDocument, let's say docMain. For the rest it only contains computed field controls and a button that does a Save datasources. 
When I open the document using an ?editDocument url and click the button I get 2 save conflicts for each and every save..
I used to have a repeat control on the Xpage as well containing a custom control linked to subdocuments. The save resulted in two save conflicts as well for each sub document. So let's say 5 datasources (1x docMain, 4x docSub) on the page  results in 10 save conflicts per save.
No other scripts or anything..
Aug 10, 2011, 9:24 AM
8 Posts
Re: Save Conflicts when no editable fields
Posting an issue get's you thinking.  
When viewing the button in the page source I noticed the button had attributes save="true" submit="true". Changed to save="false" -> only one save conflict per document. Also changed submit to "false" -> Yay no more conflicts!
So the button was a submit button, but should have been a normal button. 
-- EDIT --- 
No solution afterall.. changing submit to false just breaks the button obviously. 
Jun 22, 2012, 12:18 PM
50 Posts
Re: Save Conflicts when no editable fields
I'm curious, did you try changing the button to submit="false" then on the onClick event add a simple action to Save Document? I have found that to work in some cases.

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