We load up config that is applicable to all user of the app into applicationScope variables.
It's a bean called AppController, which has methods like getPathFinance(), setPathFinance(), getPathOrders(), setPathOrders(), which all get set in the constructor of AppController. The bean class has properties like: m_path_fininace, m_path_orders. In the constructor, we have a method that goes out to our config doc, gets values and sets them to these properties, the getPathOrders() returns value from the property m_path_orders.
We also load up other "static" config, e.g. so some keyword lists are never normally going to change, we load those up into the AppController.
Then in your SSJS or client side js you can get to via: AppController.pathOrders If bean has not bean initialised, it will call constructor, and set the values to bean, if bean already initialised, it will get them effectively from cache, since your bean is applicationScope.
...but you shouldn't store any Notes elements: views, documents etc., in cache, as they get flushed periodically, so you still have to perform the db.getView("someviewname") bit.