Thanks a lot for the Reply.
I am trying to implement Search functionality in XPages, which will display the Search results and will keep the same sorting order as it is in the view.
The Search Results are retrieved by changing the selection formula of the a Search View. I have a Repeat Control to display the Search Results retreived as a NotesViewEntryCollection.
When the selection formula of the view is changed I am programmatically locking the view. When the view is locked by a user another user will have to wait till the view is unlocked.
I have put my code in
My code is running perfectly. But with one flaw, when I am reloading the page on Catch
catch(e) {
The Problem is all the Search parameters enetered on the Seach Page are lost on reload. I want to perform the same activity as my "Find Now" button does.
<xp:button value="Find Now" id="button2"
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick"
submit="true" refreshMode="complete" id="eventHandler1">
Could you please help me how to write the equivalent code SSJS otherwise to trigger "Find Now" button Click event from SSJS.