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May 30, 2012, 12:37 PM
8 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

session.evaluate Fails if the formula has a space

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role:
  • Tags: session.evaluate formula
  • Replies: 4
 I am having a problem with using  session.evaluate at a document level.
The formula works if there is no space, but if there is a space the formula gets cut off at the space, and an NULL Undefined error is returned.

  session.evaluate( @If(Status='AwaitingApproval';Approver;"")  , doc)[0]  
  session.evaluate( @If(Status='Awaiting Approval';Approver;"")  , doc)[0]  
I think it might just be a syntax error but any help would be appreciated. 
May 31, 2012, 5:54 AM
16 Posts
Re: session.evaluate Fails if the formula has a space
 Hmmm.... Just a quick try: Use " instead of ' around the text constant that your are testing in the if statement.
May 31, 2012, 11:27 AM
586 Posts
Re: session.evaluate Fails if the formula has a space
You really shouldn't be using session.evaluate for this.  You should use pure SSJS.  I don't know where you're using this but it would be better to do something like this: 
var approver // Set this value here
var docStatus = document1.getItemValueString("status") 
if (docStatus == "Awaiting Approval") {
   // It is awaiting approval 
   return approver;
   else { 
   // It is NOT equal to awaiting approval 
   return ""; 
You should only use session.evaluate when you really need to.  For instance.  If I do a new "@Unique()" in XPages to get a unique number, it's this weird Java based time stamp.  If I do session.evaluate("@Unique") then I get an "old school" number like DLEY-85MUY.
Server Side JavaScript is easy to learn as LotusScript was.  But SSJS is so much more powerful the LotusScript.
good luck! 
Jun 4, 2012, 4:01 AM
8 Posts
Re: session.evaluate Fails if the formula has a space

Thanks so much for the responses guys. I'm a little embarrassed to say I found the problem.

In my attempt to make the problem easier to understand I cut down the code so much that my problem doesn't show here.

So here goes.

My full code is designed to export a list of fields from documents in a collection.

Some of the fields required a formula to calculate which field to export. That’s why I used evaluate.


I have a config doc that allows me to create a configurable list of fields to export.  I pass the list as an array, and silly me didn’t make the connection that a space would be seen as a separator in my array.

So when the evaluate ran on this formula:

@If(Status='Awaiting Approval';Approver;"")

It was failing because it was actually running on this formula


So now I have fixed the handling of my array and it works, just like it should.

So I’m very sorry for wasting your time and I thank you very much.

PS David I’m a huge fan, you have taught me so much with your notes@9 videos.

Jun 4, 2012, 12:11 PM
586 Posts
Re: session.evaluate Fails if the formula has a space
Thanks for watching!  Really appreciate that!! 
Is there a reason that you're doing an @if statement like this in XPages rather then using SSJS? the more you do in normal SSJS the better live will become for you.  I was scared at first...  but it's really not that much different then lotusscript. 

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