I'm trying to re-create Notes view with response document format where response column "spans" until the end of table.
My first try was to implement this post-load in UI script. That was working fine on first load, but I do not manage to trigger a script upon clicking of "next page" or expand/collapse. Edited: I found that I could just add a JS to footer of the view that gets executed each time view gets refreshed either via collapse/expand or next/previous page. So I just kept this UI hack/solution.
After I tried to calculate "colspan" attribute for the view columns.
<xp:column id="column2">
<xp:attr name="colspan">
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField2"
For all I can tell this works only if I use Data Table and calculate JS array as input, while if I use Notes View as source (either for View or Data Table control), xpage ignores any xp:attribute tag.
I wonder if there is more to this - and you can make it work with Notes View as a source or all I can do is to read the view in SSJS, create JS dataset and use it instead. A bit lame, but can do...