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Oct 21, 2013, 3:01 PM
47 Posts

Form - On Web Access NOT displaying XPage instead

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 8

I have a form that I want to display the Xpage Instead on the web.  However when I bring up the form via it's URL the browser shows the form, NOT the Xpage.  There are some simple forms in the database that display their corresponding XPages but the default form does not.  I am at a lost.  The form is visible from both web/notes but I want the Xpage to show on the web.

Oct 21, 2013, 4:01 PM
586 Posts

Is there an XPage set in the forms properties?  If so is it in the right spot?  There are two setting there if I remember correctly.



Oct 21, 2013, 4:17 PM
47 Posts
i know..

David, this is why it is driving me crazy.  I have the form set up to display the Xpage on web access... and it works for other forms too.. just not this one in particular.

Oct 21, 2013, 9:22 PM
586 Posts

Ok  so that property is set.  


what URL are you using?  Are you getting any errors?  I would always suggest installing the XPages Log Reader from OpenNTF to look for errors and such.  What happens if you make a brand new Xpage.  Drop a field or 2 on that and set the form to use that as the display?  Curious if that's the same or different behavior.



Oct 22, 2013, 11:52 AM
47 Posts
I tried..

I tried to use a simple "test" form with a "test.xsp" and sure enough the same behavior.  When I load the ../mydb.nsf/test?OpenForm or just ../mydb.nsf/test URLs in the browser it is the form that comes up and NOT the XPage as I was expecting.  The log.nsf had no errors in it and of course the browser didn't show any.

It is definitely NOT the behavior I was expecting (version 8.5.3) and I couldn't find any other settings that would effect this.

Oct 23, 2013, 5:04 PM
586 Posts

Just for this one page?  Other Xpages are working as expected?


Can you try another server?  Did you do a clean and rebuild?

Oct 23, 2013, 5:07 PM
586 Posts

Wait a minute...  you're link is:  ../mydb.nsf/test?OpenForm ????

That's an old URL right?  telling it to use the form?  I've never done an OpenForm in Xpages.  


Should it not be something like ../mydb.nsf/test.xsp  ?

You need the .xsp pagename in there....




Oct 25, 2013, 6:15 PM
47 Posts

Well the point was that the OLD form is being replaced by the XPage.  So I thought (obviously incorrectly) that the On Web Access property would automatically open the new XPage vs. the old form (a redirect).  In the end I ended up using dual forms, one from each client (Notes / Web) and using the Web client form to redirect to the XPage.

In the end I guess I am not really sure how that property is meant to be used.  I mean if I am defining the datasource on the XPage with that form, why do I even need to set that property.

Oct 28, 2013, 11:50 AM
586 Posts

Ok. I think I get what you're saying.

That property is NOT meant to override a classic domino URL  It's an XPages only property so you need to be in the XPages world.

Typically its used in stuff like a view control.  You drop a view control on an xpage and set a column to be a link to open the document.  The view control has a setting of what form to use BUT by default it will look at the documents form to find the XPage to open.

So basically any XPage link that opens a document will by default look at this property on the form to see what XPage to use for the document.

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