I need to make an Xpages view (or data table or repeat control or dojo grid, it doesn't really matter) in a new Xpages db that will pull data two separate views in two different databases.
The key that will tie them together is the date. So I need all the docs in each view for a date.
I created two data sources in my new DB pointing to the two views, made an xpage with a view container that pointed to one view. Then I added a computed column and am trying to get data from the other view (see code below).
I would appreciate any help, any link to a resource that will help me do this.
var server = @Name("[CN]", @Subset(@DbName(), 1));
var otherDB:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(server, "CityClerk\\MINUTES.NSF", false);
var key = viewRow.getColumnValue("dateOfMeeting");
var lookup:string = @DbLookup(otherDB, "XpagesView", key, 3);
if (lookup)