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Feb 18, 2014, 10:53 AM
1 Posts

X-pages - formatting existing body fields

  • Category: Styles and Themes
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 9.0.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 2

I have started to convert our existing intranet from html / css to X-pages.
The intranet consists of a number of Notes databases, so I have a lot of existing notes documents that I need to transform.
First problem I encounter is how to style the existing body fields.
All text on the body fields is in Default Sans Serif which is defined as the inbound message default font on the server configuration document.
I have been able to change this to whichever font I wanted via css on the old notes documents.
But on X-pages documents the css does not apply to the plain text in the body fields.
The bold text gets the right font, and so do all the plain text fields.
If I change the font in the body field of one of the existing docs from Default Sans Serif to Arial, that makes the X-page doc look like it should.
But we have a vast number of existing docs, so that will be a huge job - and I thought X-pages were supposed to make life easier!
So far I am only working with very simple css - see below.
I hope someone has a simple solution for this.


Body{ font-family : Arial;

font-size : 16px;

color : 000000;

font-style : plain;

font-weight : plain;

text-decoration : none;

text-align : left;



B{ font-family : Arial;

font-size : 16px;

font-weight : bold;

color : 000000;

text-decoration : none;

text-align : left;


Feb 18, 2014, 3:15 PM
33 Posts
Some more info would be useful



I suspect that you are being caught out by the cascading nature of CSS ie. more specific rules are over-riding your general ones.  I am not sure if this is correct, but I think domino applies inline styles to body fields e.g. style="font-family: arial".  Can you maybe post a sample of some of the html of one of your body fields or even a portion of the page?  I am assuming that by "body" fields, you are meaning rich text body fields?



Feb 18, 2014, 4:05 PM
366 Posts
There is a switch

There is a switch to override the applied CSS.  It's dicy with RTF fields, but you can try that.

Also use Firebug's CSS tool to ensure the style from your stylesheet is overriding the XPage theme's if you are using one. 

You can also trying using the CSS !Important to force user of your style in the CSS

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