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Dec 21, 2014, 6:00 AM
22 Posts

OPEN_EXPAND flag in NSFNoteOpen & XPages

  • Category: APIs
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 9.0.1
  • Role: Administrator,Developer
  • Replies: 0

I am using the Notes cAPI to sign a database od the design elements in this database with a given signer ID.This worked so far.

But we are encountered with an issue, when the database is opened in a browser, especially, when the database contains XPages. The problem seems not to occur, when the database contains "classic" Notes web design elements.

When we open the database in the browser after signing, we see several errors that might also vary. 403, 404 and the like.

We found, that wehn signing the XPAges with singEZ for example with the same id that has been used in our method, the error does not occur.

In our method, we open the design elements either EXPANDED or not.

At this point, my assumption is that UI elements are the ones that should use the OPEN_EXPAND flag i.e.

Shared Actions

and excluding

Script Libraries
Database Scripts

XPAGES and Forms belong to the same Class ( 0004 ) but my guess is that they have to be opened different.

I cannot find anything about XPAges in the API Documentation. If anyone could help me with that,pls ??


Much appreciated

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