Though I don't have any IBM technotes to go along with it, I can at least throw in my two cents to agree that you are right on both counts.
For the first, I don't know that XPages has a particular upper bound: those names will increase with the structure of the app, so there's not a real max unless browsers or the server stack impose one. You could PROBABLY be fine with, say, 128, as long as you don't go too far with nested controls.
The second is even more cut-and-dried: "/.ibmxspres/" is not path traversal, nor would I expect it to be on any platform. I'm not sure why the firewall would flag a URL like that, really. Domino happens to use that to represent special directories on the server, but the URL itself doesn't include either "/./" or "/../", which would be the dangerous ones there. I'd expect them to worry more that it looks like it's accessing a hidden dotfile, but it's also not doing that.