Thanks for posting. Glad you like the NotesIn9 videos!!
That's probably a better question for Brad as I'm not a good Client side developer by any stretch of the imagination. But I would focus more on the XPages examples then the dojo ones. I would think either should work but the dojo examples I think are coming from a "pure" environment while with XPages things can get a little different since XPages and Dojo are build in together. for example, rather then manually typing in require code you can added dojo modules as a resource. In theory this might be 2 different ways to do the same thing BUT if you do the XPages resource method that MIGHT play better with the js/css aggregation built into XPages then if you loaded the dojo manually. I have no idea if that's true... just a guess on my part.
Other then Brads stuff I don't know a lot of XPages focused Dojo material out there. Maybe people end up adding jQuery because they're more comfortable with that. Though that typically means you're loading 2 frameworks now.
Good Luck!