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Sep 8, 2014, 2:27 AM
14 Posts

XPages and Dojo for beginners

  • Category: Dojo and Client Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 9.0.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: Dojo,javascript,xpages
  • Replies: 1

Hi XPage developers!

I am a beginner XPage developer and just began learning about it. I find David Leedy's videos and Brad Balassaitis' blog extremely useful. I would like to specialize myself in the Dojo part of Xpages. I have a conundrum though. As far as I see, most XPage tutorials on Dojo uses the "older" syntax and version of the framework such as dojo.query, dojo.byId  and so on. If I go to the official Dojo website, they strongly discourage the use of this old way and want everybody to use the new way such as:


        ], function (dom, domConstruct) { ...


The newest version of extension library supports Dojo 1.9.2. What's the general consensus on this? Since I am new to this, I would rather use the new system, if that works with XPages, however, finding tutorials for that is rather hard.

On another note, has anyone attended the Sitepen workshops? Are they useful for Xpage developers?




Sep 8, 2014, 10:59 AM
586 Posts
XPages and Dojo


Thanks for posting.  Glad you like the NotesIn9 videos!!

That's probably a better question for Brad as I'm not a good Client side developer by any stretch of the imagination.  But I would focus more on the XPages examples then the dojo ones.  I would think either should work but the dojo examples I think are coming from a "pure" environment while with XPages things can get a little different since XPages and Dojo are build in together.  for example, rather then manually typing in require code you can added dojo modules as a resource.  In theory this might be 2 different ways to do the same thing BUT if you do the XPages resource method that MIGHT play better with the js/css aggregation built into XPages then if you loaded the dojo manually.  I have no idea if that's true...  just a guess on my part.

Other then Brads stuff I don't know a lot of XPages focused Dojo material out there.  Maybe people end up adding jQuery because they're more comfortable with that.  Though that typically means you're loading 2 frameworks now.

Good Luck!



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