I would make the initial comment that XPages is so different from traditional Notes that simply (and I use this term loosely) porting across misses so much of the power of XPages. You might be able to some how do what you are asking but it probably would get pretty ugly.
Having said that I have spent the last 10 months basically re-writing most of our Workflo!Approval Notes Application. I have been able to retain a fair bit of the back-end agents, but found that I really needed to re-think the whole data structure because XPages offers so many options. I love Repeat Controls! Plus being able to have multiple data sources on a single page is so powerful.
Having developed traditional Notes applications for years, and looking at a number of them that I have done for clients I hope that they will let me redesign them in XPages because some issues that I had to fight tooth and nail to get to work reasonably in Notes Client are pretty simple when it comes to XPages. Having said that porting a fairly complex application from traditional Notes client to XPages is not really a simple process, and you should start by looking at what your requirements are almost as if you are writing a new application. If not you are probably going to eventually wish you had.
Feel free to contact me if I can be of help bill_fox@wfsystems.ca