Hi !
When creating a dojo datagrid using pure script, I'm able to filter the grid by saying: grid.filter({lname: filterValue},true).
Filter is a function according to dojo documentation.
But, I cannot do this when using the Extension Library dojo grid (djxDataGrid.)
I've tried this code:
//first get value from input
var filterValue = XSP.getElementById("#{id:inputText1}").value;
function toProperCase(s)
return s.toLowerCase().replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g,
function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); });
filterValue = toProperCase(filterValue);
filterValue = filterValue + "*";
//get a handle to the grid
var gridMail = XSP.getElementById("#{id:djxDataGridMail}");
Subject: filterValue
This does not work.. I'm getting: gridMail.filter is not a function..
Anyone know how I can filter the Extension Library djxDataGrid clientside (without sending data to the server/making a new query) ?
Any information would be greatly appreciated :-)
Best regards,