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May 14, 2014, 1:36 PM
8 Posts

Domino Server Sessions Hang Issuee

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Linux
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 2

Hi All,

I am sure you guys are doing great. I have a small and critical issue while running SSJS behind of my button. I have created a  couple of SSJS libraries at back end which performs lot of operations before submitting a form. In most of the cases my code runs perfectly fine without any issues because I have started monitoring of threads states but in some cases its session hangs and on each clicks any button in browser another thread gets hanged and application become inaccessible from browser window. I am using couple of loops and I am sure nothing is infinite and rest is the code running perfectly because I have checked all conditions by printing on console and don't see anything wrong (logical error). I am using Server version 8.5.33 FP 6 which is last fix patch of the series. 

Its blocks me to restart HTTP Server and only option is you need to restart server to clear these threads. I require help from you guys those who are expert in xPages what is the possible issue with my application / Server.

Your prompt response in this regard will be highly appreciated and thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Qaiser Gondal

May 16, 2014, 12:29 PM
586 Posts

If you're using loops that's likely the problem.

Make sure you recycle() properly.  That's probably the cause of your problem.  I don't think you need to recycle database or session... but pretty much everything else...  DateTimes especially...  the document or entry from your loop is usually the problem.


good Luck!



May 21, 2014, 9:14 AM
8 Posts

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply. I have used recycle in most of the cases and also used recycle in loops where getting next document. So for I have not faced any issue and trying to reproduce this issue before the application move in production environment.

Why Domino is uanble to handle this issue on their end? Because initially this was reported in 2008/2009 but no solution provided  by IBM.

Thanks again for your time and expert opinion.





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