I'm working on a rather large XPage Application (OneUI, Java-Only Backend, etc.) and i am pretty happy with the progress.. especially the Java Backend turns out to be very maintainable.
Users are working within the Notes-Client while they are in the office. XPages over XPinc workes, but with limitations and i was aware of the performance issues, but with Notes9 Release, there is this fancy little Option 'Run server-based XPages apps directly on server' .. One of those options sold as "tick that checkbox and tons of your problems are solved"..
The main reasons i want my xpages run on server (in the Notes Client) is:
Performance, performance, performance
Usability (Attachment Handling is MUCH better, e.g. PDFs are directly opened, hurrayy..)
Use of Plugins installed on server
So after installing Notes9, i was eager to try the new option, and was surprised by the ugly basic Login Form (?).. I signed in with my id and want to start a notes app on the client and i have to login again (??). Appearantly there is much more behind that little checkbox..or maybe just not enough, because it seems that this checkbox simply starts the XPage on the local XulRunner..
so i started researching and i found:
So 2 things has to be setup on the client, alright.. i can live with that, maybe it's somehow possible to provide them with policies or marvel client.. So i tried it out manually on my client, and i tried, and i tried and i tried.. with FQHN in the account (server.company.lan), and an internet site domain (app.company.lan).. i setted the internet site up with session authentication.. No mather what i tried, it always gave me the login dialog..
Not so easy, also other developer seem to struggle over this:
There is also another approach with dsabling the internet sites on the server, but this would not be an option for me..
Anybody else had success with this option? what am i doing wrong?