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Mar 14, 2011, 12:04 PM
11 Posts

Managing errors

  • Category: Debugging
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: errrors,manage
  • Replies: 1
Hi all,
we have thousands of lines in various Javascripts server side libraries.
In case of an error, we redirect to an error page more beautiful than the Default Page for displaying errors.
Cos we have nested calls to functions in several libraries, actually we don't know in what library is the error place.
We manage the errors in the xpage-controls elements with "try catch" clauses and the functions in the libraries don't have this clauses.
I investigate the object error of type:, but don't find anything that points to the libraries.
Before I start to introduce a line for each function of the libraries,  is there a way or a method to tell me where function is the error?
Thanks in advance,  
Kind regards. 
Mar 14, 2011, 3:32 PM
39 Posts
Re: Managing errors
I would recommend pushing the stack trace to the page in a hidden field or in a section so that it still looks good, but you could get to the details.

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