Have you tried actually downloading Mark's demo database and looking at the code in there rather then the blog post? It's possible that Mark's original example from his blog MIGHT be incorrect.
On his post he had:
$("#[id$='viewPanel1'] tr td:nth-child(4)").trunk8({
fill: '<a href="#"> read more </a>', //this is what is inserted into the text as placeholder
lines: 3, //the number of lines of orginal text displayed
side: 'right', //the placement of the "read more" left center right
tooltip: true, //show a tooltip of the original text
width: 'auto' // style the final text to fit the container.
This is the part that I don't get at all:
$("#[id$='viewPanel1'] tr td:nth-child(4)").trunk8({
I've not seen that before....
Interestingly if you go to the trunc8 site all their examples are using CSS classes:
Maybe he'll stop by on this thread and give us some sage words of widsom. :)