~Manny FronusterakoiJan 30, 2012, 2:36 PM38 PostsRe: Should I release to openNTF The Dialog problem in IE is not in side the Extension Library, but in the Dojo Library.I noticed the behavior when I replaced the popup.js files from dojo 1.5.1. to the dojo.1.4.3 on my Domino 8.5.2 server to solve a nasty bug. There was no dialog at all.As I remembered after I replaced the popup.js file, the dialog in IE9 will display correctly. (http://www.domino-weblog.nl/weblogs/Domino_Blog.nsf/dx/bug-in-domino-pickers-in-internet-explorer-9.htm )
~Manny RefanabergakolJan 30, 2012, 2:37 PM26 PostsRe: Should I release to openNTFI would like to see it. One of my complaints about the app control was it was not so easily customized. You have fixed it! Now please fix the dialog box problem where the dialog box displays all the way to the right when viewed in IE.