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Mar 30, 2013, 8:14 AM
2 Posts

Backend Notes operations called from Java get killed on task restart

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 0
We have few OSGI bundles that do some background operations that move data to external system, etc. During recent server restart I found that they are not stopped correctly, but if they are doing something with Notes views (and maybe something else) while I send restart task http command or tell http q, code gets killed immediately  with exception

 [05B8:0034-0EA8] 30.03.2013 09:01:51   HTTP JVM: 44
> restart task http
[05B8:0034-0EA8] 30.03.2013 09:01:51   HTTP JVM: 45
[05B8:0034-0EA8] 30.03.2013 09:01:51   HTTP JVM: 46
 [05B8:0034-0EA8] 30.03.2013 09:01:51   HTTP JVM: NotesException: Notes error: Operation stopped at your request (Test)
[05B8:0034-0EA8] 30.03.2013 09:01:51   HTTP JVM:        at lotus.domino.local.View.refresh(Unknown Source)

In this case the code just creates document and then refreshes test view.

I hoped that with OSGI we would be able to control lifecycle of these tasks in better way. Also when I remove all Notes related call from the code it correctly waits for bunde to stop and stops HTTP after that.  

I tried similar thing with Java Agent and results were same.  

Has anyone seen this issue?

I reported it to IBM, but so far they couldn't recreate the issue. I tried it on 8.5.3FP3 and 9 with same results 

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