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Jan 31, 2013, 4:43 PM
7 Posts

can't get OneUIv2 to work

  • Category: Styles and Themes
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: oneUI
  • Replies: 3
Can someone please explain me why the following xpage does not render correctly?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">
        <xp:panel styleClass="lotusFrame">
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusBanner">
                        <xp:panel styleClass="lotusRightCorner">
                                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusInner">
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusTitleBar">
                        <xp:panel styleClass="lotusRightCorner">
                                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusInner">
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusPlaceBar">
                        <xp:panel styleClass="lotusBtnContainer">
                        <xp:button value="Label" id="Test"></xp:button>
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusMain">
                        <xp:panel styleClass="lotusContent">Main content</xp:panel>
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusFooter">(c) 2013</xp:panel>
                <xp:panel styleClass="lotusLegal">Legal mumbo jumbo...</xp:panel>
Here is the list of issues I'm having:
- Text inside lotusTitleBar is displayed below the actual titlebar. It seems to happen as soon as I use the <h2> tag. However, most examples on the net seem to use <h2> in the title bar without issues.
- Placebar is rendered next to the titlebar instead of under it
- PlaceBar height seems to be quite big too. However, the documentation says <h2> should be used in PlaceBar for displaying the title
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here, since most people don't seem to have any issues with using OneUIv2. I just can't figure out what it is... :-/
Jeroen Jacobs
Jan 31, 2013, 7:08 PM
31 Posts
Re: can't get OneUIv2 to work
Hi Jeroen,
I copied your code & it displayed perfectly for me on both IE8 & FF13.0.1.  If you're using IE, make sure the compatibility setting is off.  Also, have you got your application properties set to use the oneuiv2.1 theme?

And, one other thing to check.  If you have theme files, check to make sure they are extending the oneuiv2.1 theme:
<theme  extends="oneuiv2.1">
Hope that helps.
Feb 1, 2013, 9:55 AM
7 Posts
Re: can't get OneUIv2 to work
Thanks for your reply. For me, I don't get the expected result in any browser:
- IE9: The title text is not visible
- FireFox 18: Title is visible but but displays below the actual title bar
- Lotus Notes client: Same as FireFox
I have specief 'oneuiv2" as the theme in the database properties.
I have set HTM doctype to "default" in the database properties.
Is there anything else I need to change in the XPages properties itself? (css to include? dojo stuff to include?)
Feb 4, 2013, 6:42 PM
366 Posts
Re: can't get OneUIv2 to work
 double check how you spelled "oneuiv2", it's easy to miss the "I" , plus it needs to be in all lower case.
Try using some of the other themes to ensure they are getting applied properly. 

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