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Mar 22, 2013, 10:10 AM
17 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

Data table getColumnvalues

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer,Administrator
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 2
I have a view that shows the attachments of a document.  The view is set to display multiple values as separate entries.  The view shows the Unid and the attachments so looks like this:

UNID                                              Attachments
AAAAAAAAAA123456789       document1.doc

AAAAAAAAAA123456789       document2.doc

AAAAAAAAAA123456789       anotherdoc.doc

BBBBBBBBBB987654321       figures.xls

BBBBBBBBBB987654321       march.xls


When I try to display the values in the Attachments column I get document1.doc, document1.doc, document1.doc  ie, the first attachment times the number of attachments.   Where am I going wrong?  My code is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xp:view xmlns:xp=""><xp:dataTable id="dataTable1" rows="30" style="width:259.0px" var="datadocs">

<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var tview:NotesView = database.getView("AttachmentView");

var v = "AAAAAAAAAA123456789";

var vc:NotesViewEntryCollection = null;

if (v != null) {

vc = tview.getAllEntriesByKey(v);



<xp:column id="column1"></xp:column>

<xp:column id="column2">

<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"><xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var st = datadocs.getColumnValues()[1];

return @Text(st)}]]></xp:this.value></xp:text></xp:column>



If I bind the data table to the entire view, the results are correct, but when I try to filter what is displayed is does not display what I would expect.

Many thanks.  
Mar 22, 2013, 1:36 PM
17 Posts
Re: Data table getColumnvalues
I have devised a workaround to this.

If I use getAllEntriesByKey() I can use getCount() to know how many entries there are. Call this 'docsinview'.

I then use GetAllEntries() and iterate through the entries until I find the first entry that matches. Call this 'start'.  I use this value as the Starting Index for the datatable and then use docsinview as the Repeat Limit of the datatable.

Not ideal, but it now works as I want it to:

Code for Starting Index:

var v = database.getView("Attachments");

var allvc:NotesViewEntryCollection = v.getAllEntries();

var start:Integer = 0;

var entry:NotesViewEntry = allvc.getFirstEntry();

while (entry != null){

if (entry.getUniversalID()== "BC846CCFDA41303180257B35003FE0C5"){




entry = allvc.getNextEntry();

start = start + 1;



return start

Code for Repeat Limit:  


var v = database.getView("Attachments");

var vc:NotesViewEntryCollection = v.getAllEntriesByKey("BC846CCFDA41303180257B35003FE0C5");

var docsinview = vc.getCount();

return docsinview

Mar 24, 2013, 8:26 PM
586 Posts
Re: Data table getColumnvalues
 I've just never had a lot of luck doing the show mull-values as multiple entries thing.  It always seems to be a good soltuion at the time but it usually mites me later on down the road.


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