I actually have 4 appPage objects in one custom control, and, they all work linking from djxmLineItem tags that contain moveTo elements. But, on the next to last page (the only one link that doesn't work), I am using an xe:dataView tag, which links to the last page using a pageName:
<xe:dataView id="dataViewTimes" var="viewEntry"
binding="#{viewStateBean.dataIterator}" pageName="meetingDetail" columnTitles="true" rows="10" openDocAsReadonly="true" >...
The last page ("meetingDetail") is basically an empty page, but, I always receive a "dojox.mobile.View#performTransition: destination view not found: null" error when clicking on any item in the dataView. The destination page has the correct id and pageName attributes ("messageDetail").
I'd really like to use the dataView, because I need to send reference a document on the last page.
Any ideas why this doesn't work?