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May 1, 2015, 11:14 AM
298 Posts

Webinar: The Future of Domino Application Development with IBM's product team

  • Category: Other
  • Platform: All
  • Release: All
  • Role: End user,Developer,Administrator
  • Tags: Training
  • Replies: 2
Join us on May 14th to learn IBM's product directions for Domino and XPages Application development from the IBM development team, Pete Janzen, Martin Donnelly, and Brian Gleeson.

The Domino application development landscape is about to get a whole lot richer. Not only will developers get new features that enhance the Domino on-premises platform, XPages runtime and Domino Designer, but IBM will show how they are bringing the value of Domino to the cloud with new services for IBM Bluemix. New responsive design features, RDBMS data sources, document encryption on the web and Bluemix, there's a lot to pack in!

This webinar is on May 14th at 10:30 to noon, NY time.

To register go to:
May 1, 2015, 10:12 PM
453 Posts
I forwarded this to all my clients.

Posted this in the 9.0 forum and wonder if some dialog here might be interesting.

I keep running into shops that have been pretty heavily involved in the N/D space with many active applications, and someone up top makes a decision to replace N/D in favor of some other platform but I wonder if they really have considered the cost of rewriting all those applications. Now with XPages pretty much not caring what the back-end data source is I wonder if the costs and the alternatives have really been considered. 

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